Lost Exposed Film: Burning Man 2024

When I was at Burning Man this past year, I took a few photos with my new Rollei 35 camera. One morning I tried taking another photo and the film felt jammed. Weird fluke, but I decided to try and wind the film but it was stuck… I decided to open the camera in the hopes that the film was fully wound, but instead, to my devastation, the film sprung out at me in tiny little shreds. I knew at least half of the roll was ruined, but I thought now it was also completely exposed and all shots would be lost. A dear friend of mine, also an amazing photographer, Haley aka The Bone Goddess (https://www.haley-jensen.com/) told me to close the camera quick and maybe there would be something salvageable in there. I took it to get developed (at this cute place in Calgary https://www.neatfilmlab.com/) and to my delight, there was something to show for it all! I learned that if you open the camera, letting the light in, it does not automatically ruin the entire roll! I’m very happy with how the few shots turned out, I probably like them more with the light leaks than if it worked out how it was supposed to.