Lost Exposed Film: Burning Man 2024

When I was at Burning Man this past year, I took a few photos with my new Rollei 35 camera. One morning I tried taking another photo and the film felt jammed. Weird fluke, but I decided to try and wind the film but it was stuck… I decided to open the camera in the hopes that the film was fully wound, but instead, to my devastation, the film sprung out at me in tiny little shreds. I knew at least half of the roll was ruined, but I thought now it was also completely exposed and all shots would be lost. A dear friend of mine, also an amazing photographer, Haley aka The Bone Goddess (https://www.haley-jensen.com/) told me to close the camera quick and maybe there would be something salvageable in there. I took it to get developed (at this cute place in Calgary https://www.neatfilmlab.com/) and to my delight, there was something to show for it all! I learned that if you open the camera, letting the light in, it does not automatically ruin the entire roll! I’m very happy with how the few shots turned out, I probably like them more with the light leaks than if it worked out how it was supposed to.

Island Life

I had the pleasure of traveling to Hornby Island last September with some dear friends to visit our other dear friends. I found magic in the little things all around me; from the docile deer roaming around freely, to the seemingly tropical beaches, to the variety of flora growing- my favourite being a little cactus found on the cliffside! (Also it was JR’s birthday, hence the group worshiping.)

Here are a few colour of the shots from this adventure. I used special experimental film called Psychedelic Blues 400 #2 Color Negative Film (you can purchase some here http://psychblues.com/film-shop). I really love the effects that it had on my photos. I also experimented with multiple exposure, as I oh so love to do.

Expired Film

Sometimes you shoot film and it’s beautiful and timeless, and sometimes you shoot thinking it will be one way and turns out you had expired film in your camera and didn’t realize. This is the latter. I look at my photos and my heart sank… I had been looking forward to a few from this roll especially. I have used expired film before but it has never been this bad, every roll is different I guess. Going over these photos again there are a few that, despite the mess up, they have a pretty cool effect. Lesson learned… only use expired film for experimental photos… What do you think of this effect?

To the South

I am grateful to have spent a month driving through the southern states this past spring, before all of the madness... Here are some moments captured from that time, when this southern surreal beauty was mine to roam and I had all the freedom in the world.

Shout outs to my muses, DW and JR. 


How to Befriend a Plant: Interview with Ancel Mitchell.

I had the opportunity to interview Ancel Mitchell, a Scottish plant fairy who has lived in Costa Rica for 10 years and runs a botanical garden there with her husband. She also grows and makes chocolate, teaches classes at the garden and is a cranio sacral practitioner. I asked her for some tips for those wanted to go deeper into unlocking the wisdom of the plant world.

TIP #1: Find an "Old lady" who raises animals or cans her own food. Tap into her wisdom.

TIP #2: Make friends with a plant.

STEP ONE: Find a plant that you are drawn to

-One that is native to where you are

*Don’t make judgements

STEP TWO: Try and eat it

STEP THREE: Watch the plant through the seasons.

STEP FOUR: Look up websites about the plant but don’t let it determine anything for you. Instead of your head, use your gut.

STEP FIVE: Look at it with all your senses. See how it moves.

STEP SIX: Try and fall in love with the plant.

It’s all about OBSERVATION:

Here is a list of questions to ask yourself about this plant – Why not use a workbook? Or print off this page!

1. What to look for:

What kind of soil does it have? Clay, Lime, black copper, etc?

Does it like shade? Sun?


Why does it grow where it grows?

Does it like growing where it’s growing?

Do other plants like it, or not?

2. Self Reflection:

Who is this plant like?

It the plant prickly? Do I have prickles too?

Is it funny looking? Does it make me smile?

Does it like shade? What are the shady parts of myself?

Does it cause a reaction when I touch it? With the plant and with myself?

3. Animals:

What animals does it interact with?

4. Environment and Cycles:

[Warning: Do not remove the plant from its environment.]

What is it’s environment? What does this say about it?

What are its rhythms?

When does it fruit?

When does it die back?

Is it the first to come through in the spring or does it come later?

Does it have flowers? What colour?


With all of those steps and tips you'll surely be making a new best friend. Let me know how your journey goes and how your plant friend is feeling! Ciao.

Naked in the jungle: Part One

In early December I flew to Costa Rica and I had a purpose; I was going to start my new career in blogging for my friend's company. I got it in my head that what I was doing was going to be important anthropological work. When I got there I found out that what I had expected was not the reality of the situation. She informed me that she wasn't able to pay me. My dreams were broken; my purpose was gone and my return flight was over three months away. I was now in the jungle with no path. I have a lot to thank her for.
These first photos are snippets of my life in the Caribbean coastal town of Puerto Viejo. This is where I was when I was confused and depressed. Interesting, as it has been said there is voodoo and strange energy in these parts. Nevertheless, I found comfort in the street art and the beaches. The last photo in this series is a shot of a scenic island from a boat ride on my way to a little farm project called Punta Mona. That boat ride was the first time I smiled in who knows how long. I didn't know it at the time but this little weekend trip was going to forever change my life.

New York

Boobs, buildings, redheads, and plants.

Life in New York and Brooklyn... Going out to explore and find little pockets of life and nature is the key here. It really is a concrete jungle where you may get attacked or lost, but as long as you have one or three close people to navigate with you, you will survive.  We did have fun most of the time.  There are some very beautiful people here, including this one woman with long red mermaid hair who was so shy but willing to get her photo taken. My lovely friend, Odd, is one of my favourite muses; she is so authentically herself.  My two friends from New Orleans, Brad and Joelle, have brought so much joy into every moment we were together; their love is infectious, you can even see that pretty clearly in the photo.  Thank you for taking time to look at my photos and maybe even read this nonsense writing (I'm better with pictures, I think..).